We Are an Offering!" 

Today begins the second week of our annual fall Stewardship campaign. Last week we were reminded how, for a small congregation, we do a lot. We lift our voices, we lift our hands, and we lift our lives, through our various ministries. Today we want to reflect about the impact these ministries have had and are having.   

 Bible study, GriefShare, and our greeting card ministry have encouraged folks to explore their faith, learn from one another, provided a space for support for those who have lost a loved one, have helped to keep our homebound members connected to our community. We use our voices to teach and to provide comfort for those in need. 

Over the years our Neighborhood Camp has provided hundreds of young people from our neighborhood a space to learn and grow. Through camp the children have daily activities, games, field trips, and even hot lunches, all provided by Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. For the past few decades our National Night Out event has been one of Racine's largest, drawing together countless people for an evening of fun, games, music, food, and fellowship. We use our hands to provide a safe place to gather and be with friends and neighbors.   

Our partnerships with Mitchell School and the Meru Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania have also been in place for many years. We provide a back-to-school luncheon for Mitchell Staff to show our support and appreciation for their dedication and hard work. We’ve collected myriad items from school supplies to warm clothes, the benefit students, teachers, and staff alike. Our partnership with the Lutheran Church in Tanzania began with Chuck and Sue Ruehle, continued with Pastor Elias, called to serve at Redeemer, and several members of Redeemer have traveled to Tanzania, but none more than Lynn Hooper! Lynn has worked tirelessly to keep us connected and provided countless medical supplies, clothing, and financial support for our siblings in Tanzania. And, of course, Mel Zemke's incredible estate gift was used to help build a maternity wing at a local hospital. Indeed, we use our lives to help those around us and those around the world! 

Yes, for a small congregation, we do a lot. But the impact of our work goes beyond that, way beyond that. We use our voices, we use our hands, and we use our lives, through the ministries of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. And it is your support that makes these ministries, and their impact, possible.  

We are asking you, as members of Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, to prayerfully consider your support of our congregation and its ministries, even perhaps, if possible for you, increasing your support for the coming year. Indeed, every little bit can go a long way. Our various ministries and our day-to-day operating expenses are quite costly. Your support is vital to helping us sustain and even grow our impact in our community.   

By now you should have received a letter from the Stewardship committee along with a commitment card for 2024. Please complete the commitment card and return it to church next week, November 19th, Commitment Sunday. If you are unable to come to worship next week, we ask that you return your commitment card to the church office using the addressed envelope that was also included with the letter.  

You may also want to consider automated online giving. It's an easy and convenient way to make your offering to Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. Please go to our website (www.racinelcredeemer.com) or contact the church office to learn more about setting up automated giving. 

Once again, we are grateful for your ongoing generosity. May the Holy Spirit inspire you as you prayerfully consider your future support for Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.  

“We Are an Offering!" 

We look forward to seeing you next Sunday.